Tuesday, December 18, 2007

1st days of work

Well I just completed my 2nd day of training at work. We had to sit in a classroom both days for 8 hrs. Fun hu? Well one of the reasons I am going back to work is to get benefits. Mitch doesn't get benefits through his work so if I was to work a minimum of 16 hours a week, then I would qualify for full benefits for my whole family. AMAZING HU??!! It is really hard to get a position through the hospital at a certain department, and that is the only way to receive benefits. So I got hired on as their float pool which means I can pick my hours and days but I don't get benefits with that position but I do get paid more. I knew that if I was to accept that position then I can transfer to a benefited position because they seem to hire internally first for those. (I don't know if I am making any sense)! Anyway, I am excited because I have an interview.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Ok, Ok!! I will start posting in my blog more often. Well, I start work tomorrow. I am going to work for a hospital and I hope everything goes well. I haven't even found a sitter yet. Crazy! My life has been busy getting ready for Christmas. You can only imagine with 4 kids. I went to see I Am Legend this past Friday night and it was awesome. I was hiding behind my jacket for a lot of it cause it was so scary but good. I love Will Smith. Well, I decided to go back to nursing school. Actually, I have 4 classes left till I can apply for the program so I will start in January taking Anatomy & Phys and Eng. 101. I am scared!! It has been forever since I was in school. It is perfect timing right now because by Fall of '08, 3 of my kids will be in school full time and Grayson will be in preschool. Time really does fly by. I can't believe they are all growing up.